Wondering about hakki

Wondering about hakki

The beneficial bacterias are a kind of microbes who provide many essential services for all the plants (vulnerable to changes immediate environment). That is why the services provided by this microbe are critical. All plants are supported by a vast, invisible world of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in and around their roots, stems, leaves, seeds, pollen, fruits, and flowers.

Beneficial bacteria support plant health by increasing the availability of nutrients (Many types of microbes are responsible for fixing nutrients to plants), enhancing plant root growth, neutralizing toxic compounds in the soil, making plants more resistant to disease, heat, flooding, and drought, and deterring pathogens and predators.

We must consider the members of ecosystems that function in a microscopic scale.

Yes, our products are safe to use on all crops and are classified as Biosafety Level 1.
We have Safety Data Sheets (SDS) established for all our products.


For best results, apply Houseplant Bliss, Garden Joy,
and Garden Joy Rx to your plants 2-3 weeks apart.


It’s always hakki season.

For more questions, please write us info@hakkiorganics.com